What Is Up With Jeff Hardy
The new extreme edition of Jeff Hardy Is somewhat baffling to me. First, did we really need a dramatic character change for this guy to go extreme? Secondly, has Hardy really gone extreme? It's not like this guy has never been involved in anything outside of technical wrestling. He has given is body and should to TLC matches, Money in the Bank and his dive off the light scaffold onto Randy Orton is legendary. So this switch to him being more extreme now in order to get a chance at Triple H and the WWE title makes no sense. Plus his stupid Crow/Sting/Saw/Joker makeup last night was just part of this terrible gimmick they are trying.
This of course would not detract from his match with the Undertaker. For extreme rules matches on network TV they rarely go too extreme and that was the case here. But there were plenty of chair shots and Hardy provided plenty of his high risk moves in and out of the ring. The big Show even go involved taking out both men and eventually distracting the Undertaker so Hardy could deliver the final blow via a chair to get the win. This opened the door for Hardy to face Triple H next week in an attempt to make the Survivor Series match a Triple Threat. Look for this to happen as the WWE cannot feel comfortable with just Kozlov main eventing against Triple H.
The match between Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy shows how the WWE desperately needs to find solid competition for Matt. Right now he really has nothing developing in ECW so having him cross brands will help enhance his profile. He put on a good match with Benjamin which was great for both men. Benjamin himself has hit the wall in his rise, and needed a good match to help his profile. If they can find a way for this to become a feud it would provide us with some great matches. They could even move Hardy off ECW and put him back on Smack Down. This would give him more opportunities against better wrestlers and the possible reuniting with his brother in tag matches.
MVP's stock has hit an all time low as in one match he would lose to Funaki, get beat up by Khali then forcibly kissed by one of Khali's "hotties". This to me is very sad as I felt he had a chance to make some noise in the WWE. Two years ago when he won the US title he really established he could hold his own and looked poised for great things. He had a solid program with Matt Hardy, but since then he has been on the fringe. He has found himself in the doghouse on a few occasions, but the man has too much talent to cast aside like this.
Will we be seeing a feud develop between tag champions Carlito and Primo against Kendrick and Zeke. During a singles match between Carlito and Kendrick, Zeke provided a distraction by attacking Primo outside of the ring. It was enough for Kendrick to ge the pin and add a little heat between these factions. If this is the case then it appears Kendricks push as a singles competitor is over. Ever since being in the Championship Scramble he has not made much noise. This was Kendricks strong point, but it will be interesting if he can build the same dynamic as he did with Paul London. And with London now released there is no way to currently recapture that magic they had as tag champs.
The Divas division has seem to hit a wall as they now are developing a program between Michelle McCool and Maria. Michelle is a worthy champion, but Maria is possible the worst Diva wrestler next to Jillian. There are plenty of talented ladies on the Smack Down roster so there really is no need to follow this story line. Hopefully this ends soon and we can be spared more awful matches.
This of course would not detract from his match with the Undertaker. For extreme rules matches on network TV they rarely go too extreme and that was the case here. But there were plenty of chair shots and Hardy provided plenty of his high risk moves in and out of the ring. The big Show even go involved taking out both men and eventually distracting the Undertaker so Hardy could deliver the final blow via a chair to get the win. This opened the door for Hardy to face Triple H next week in an attempt to make the Survivor Series match a Triple Threat. Look for this to happen as the WWE cannot feel comfortable with just Kozlov main eventing against Triple H.
The match between Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy shows how the WWE desperately needs to find solid competition for Matt. Right now he really has nothing developing in ECW so having him cross brands will help enhance his profile. He put on a good match with Benjamin which was great for both men. Benjamin himself has hit the wall in his rise, and needed a good match to help his profile. If they can find a way for this to become a feud it would provide us with some great matches. They could even move Hardy off ECW and put him back on Smack Down. This would give him more opportunities against better wrestlers and the possible reuniting with his brother in tag matches.
MVP's stock has hit an all time low as in one match he would lose to Funaki, get beat up by Khali then forcibly kissed by one of Khali's "hotties". This to me is very sad as I felt he had a chance to make some noise in the WWE. Two years ago when he won the US title he really established he could hold his own and looked poised for great things. He had a solid program with Matt Hardy, but since then he has been on the fringe. He has found himself in the doghouse on a few occasions, but the man has too much talent to cast aside like this.
Will we be seeing a feud develop between tag champions Carlito and Primo against Kendrick and Zeke. During a singles match between Carlito and Kendrick, Zeke provided a distraction by attacking Primo outside of the ring. It was enough for Kendrick to ge the pin and add a little heat between these factions. If this is the case then it appears Kendricks push as a singles competitor is over. Ever since being in the Championship Scramble he has not made much noise. This was Kendricks strong point, but it will be interesting if he can build the same dynamic as he did with Paul London. And with London now released there is no way to currently recapture that magic they had as tag champs.
The Divas division has seem to hit a wall as they now are developing a program between Michelle McCool and Maria. Michelle is a worthy champion, but Maria is possible the worst Diva wrestler next to Jillian. There are plenty of talented ladies on the Smack Down roster so there really is no need to follow this story line. Hopefully this ends soon and we can be spared more awful matches.
I think the change in character is great. He's been the same floundering guy with no real depth for years, now they are giving him some personality and letting some of his real wacky personality come through.
It is the perfect storyline. He's simply had enough.
I look at it like the Steve Austin thing. He's becoming a heel charcter but that's what makes it so great. He doesn't give an F anymore.
Posted by
Keelan Balderson |
10:07 AM