Overseas House Show Provides Storyline Changes

The WWE is overseas once again, where last evening in Belfast the company put on a sold out show with SmackDown and ECW, and some interesting story lines either started or moved along that you won't hear about for awhile on TV.
The most interesting, and this is a spoiler alert for those that do not know about the SmackDown/ECW tapings that took place Sunday and will air Thursday and Friday - is the upcoming heel turn for Chuck Palumbo. Seems that Chuckie is back to the dark side, and on the show in Belfast he took on Jamie Noble, and played the role of heel. Later on in the show, Palumbo interfered in the match between Finlay and The Great Khali, coming on and attacking Finlay. He also got some mic time at the end, making his intentions known.
This turn is not much of a shock, as Palumbo has had numerous characters, and all have been better as heels than any sort of face. Most characters have been in tag teams, with the most famous being the Billy and Chuck tag team that was managed by Rico, which prompted many memorable matches with their..ahem...gay tendencies, and of course who could forget their famous "wedding" on SmackDown.
Anyway, so while I guess we have a new heel, we also had a new name for a SmackDown talent who simply has yet to live up to the billing. In the opening match on the card, Jesse and Festus teamed up to take on the team of Drew McIntyre, who was recently called up to the main roster, and Ken Doane, aka Kenny Dykstra. Seems that they want a new name, and possibly new success for Doane (his real name this time) and a breakaway from the name Dykstra. They also are no longer putting Kenny with Victoria, as that seems to have run its course. If this brings Doane (who with McIntyre lost to Jesse and Fesuts) to anymore success remains to be seen.
Labels: chuck palumbo, finlay, jesse and festus, kenny doane, the great khali