Clearing Up a Much Asked Question on Chavo
Over the course of the last week, there are still a ton more questions than answers. A lot of wrestling fans, rightfully so in some cases, still are in denial about what took place some 8-9 days ago in the home of Chris Benoit. How could he do it? Why did he do it? Those seem to be the most dragged out questions that still surround this whole situation, but those are by far the toughest questions to answer.
On our SHOUTBOX over the last week, there has also been more than a few of you that have questioned the situation about why certain members of the company have not come out and spoken in public about the situation. One such guy whose name I see keep being brought up is that of Chavo Guerrero. This question has been posted more than once is why has Chavo not come out and spoken publicly about the situation, nor made any comment about fact that he was one of the people in the company that received text messages from Chris which became public last Tuesday in the case.
Some are saying that Chavo has something to hide, but let me assure you - that is simply not the case. In a situation such as this, where numerous wrestlers and people in the industry have made comments or spoken about the Benoit case, everyone has a right to come out and basically say what they would like. Notice though that not many have stated specifics about the case, even those that know them. That is because in a sensitive case like this, those that do have any info are usually told that they are to not share any information with the general public. Current wrestlers and employees of World Wrestling Entertainment are basically under a gag order right now about any knowledge of the situation they have, and that of course includes Chavo.
As far as Chavo coming out and making a public statement, he has simply decided that is not the route he would like to go right now. He declined to do a tribute to Chris last Monday on RAW, and has not put out other statements that could in turn lead to more speculation about why this tragedy took place. If Chavo knows anything, and there is truthfully no word on what he may know at this point, you can be assured that the people in charge of the investigation have spoken to him.
This is not to say once more about the case comes out that Chavo will not share his thoughts or make a public statement about the situation, that very well may happen. Right now though is a critical time in the investigation as to why what took place happened, and anything anyone knows is being used to try and help in the piecing together of the case. So to put the questions to rest - Chavo has spoken to the WWE as well as to those that are working with the case about anything that he knows.
As a few of you pointed out, indeed Chavo DID do the Tribute show last Monday night during RAW....totally missed on my part. Thank you for those that pointed it out.
Chavo didn't decline, he spoke for a good two minutes on Raw about Chris (before the facts of the matter began to arise, of course)
Posted by
Downtown |
2:06 PM