Hardy Appears in Court
Jeff Hardy’s first court date was today in North Carolina. Hardy will be arraigned on the following charges: Felony possession of cocaine, Felony drug trafficking of opium, Felony possession with intent to redistribute a Schedule III drug (two counts), Maintaining a dwelling for drug use and/or distribution and Possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor).
Labels: jeff hardy
He lives in Cameron NC its a small community and not many master the ability to go from a small setting to a world stage. He brought it with him (his weakness for drugs) to the ring. It's a shame that a young promising career is now in the crapper....I do not feel sorry for him!
Posted by
dantheman |
9:34 PM
Jeff Hardys career is far from over. Just because someone is charged with something it does NOT mean that he is guilty of it. I really think that you should also try and get the REAL story straight before you try and come out of your ass by voiceing your words which aren't even close to the real thing.
Posted by
Unknown |
6:51 PM