Cena, Seen It
As promised loyal readers, my thoughts on the Return of John Cena. Let's just say I needed a few days to cool off after my reactions on the post match show for the Rumble. I'm still sticking to my guns her and saying Cena in main event for Mania is a bad idea. I'm not disputing his role as one of the biggest draws for the WWE, it's just we have seen enough of him as champ, at least for now .
Let me clear something up first. I really do like Cena and feel he brings so much to the ring. He is absolutely is amazing on the mic and can pump up the crowd. His interaction with the fans is fantastic, and you can tell he truly loves them and appreciates them. At a house show in Canton Ohio he went into the crowd and asked for a blow up Cena hand from a young fan to beat up a prone Randy Orton with. Heck this guys even loves the fans who hate his guts. On Raw he almost broke down and cried to the chants of Cena Sucks. This is what we need as a champ. Someone who is loved and hated and loves every minute of it. I will even go on record as saying his win over Triple H at Mania 22 was one of the greatest Mania moments ever. The fans in Chi town were so pissed leaving the event it created the ultimate buzz for the WWE. But that was at a time when the fans wanted Triple H to win.
With that being said, we don't need this now. He was champ for almost 2 years and that my friends is to long. This is not the Hogan era of champions anymore. There are not just a few pay per views a year and limited network air time. Now we see the champs each and every week and have pay per views every month and half, if not sooner. Seeing the same person win each and every pay per view detracts from the spectacle. Yes I know people will pay to see him lose, but they eventually have to see him lose.
To use another sporting example for this, look at Formula One. Ferrari and Michael Schumacher dominated the sport and won 5 straight championships. Yes they were fantastic and Ferrari has a huge fan base, but ratings dropped as fans got sick of the same results each and every race. It was not till Renault and Fernando Alonso starting winning did people start to care again and ratings went up.
And so it is with Cena. He has his share of fans but also many who can't stand him. Over this summer I wanted Khali to win the belt from him just so we could have another champ. And I hate Khali with a passion, and would say he does not even deserve to be in the WWE, let alone be its champ in any capacity. But I was so sick of seeing Cena win time and time again that I wanted Khali to carry the gold so bad.
Now we actually have enough guys on Raw who could be or contend for the championship, but to put it right back on Cena and have him go on another run will only cause fans to lose interest. Right now Triple H, HBK, Jericho, JBL, Umanga, Orton and even Kennedy could be considered possible champs, or at least contenders. And what about all the push for Jeff Hardy. After all the great matches he has given over the past few weeks, the WWE just is going to kill his momentum and push him aside. I fear he will end up being forgotten in all the Cena hype. At let me say, he deserves to be at Mania in the main event and should be the next champ.
I really feel the WWE is making a big mistake here. Wow us with something fresh and new. Not the same old story again. Trust me Vince, the fans will become bored very soon with this. It's just like a new relationship. At first it all fun and exciting, but once it settles in it becomes old hat an the spark dies. That is what is happening now. Yes Cena at 30 at the rumble was exciting, and even the though of him main eventing at Mania at first seems great. But look at the long haul. Him going back to his dominance of the belt again, especially with all the other possible contenders, will become old and fans may look elsewhere to spend their dollars. As the old saying goes, be careful of what you wish for, for you might get it.
Let me clear something up first. I really do like Cena and feel he brings so much to the ring. He is absolutely is amazing on the mic and can pump up the crowd. His interaction with the fans is fantastic, and you can tell he truly loves them and appreciates them. At a house show in Canton Ohio he went into the crowd and asked for a blow up Cena hand from a young fan to beat up a prone Randy Orton with. Heck this guys even loves the fans who hate his guts. On Raw he almost broke down and cried to the chants of Cena Sucks. This is what we need as a champ. Someone who is loved and hated and loves every minute of it. I will even go on record as saying his win over Triple H at Mania 22 was one of the greatest Mania moments ever. The fans in Chi town were so pissed leaving the event it created the ultimate buzz for the WWE. But that was at a time when the fans wanted Triple H to win.
With that being said, we don't need this now. He was champ for almost 2 years and that my friends is to long. This is not the Hogan era of champions anymore. There are not just a few pay per views a year and limited network air time. Now we see the champs each and every week and have pay per views every month and half, if not sooner. Seeing the same person win each and every pay per view detracts from the spectacle. Yes I know people will pay to see him lose, but they eventually have to see him lose.
To use another sporting example for this, look at Formula One. Ferrari and Michael Schumacher dominated the sport and won 5 straight championships. Yes they were fantastic and Ferrari has a huge fan base, but ratings dropped as fans got sick of the same results each and every race. It was not till Renault and Fernando Alonso starting winning did people start to care again and ratings went up.
And so it is with Cena. He has his share of fans but also many who can't stand him. Over this summer I wanted Khali to win the belt from him just so we could have another champ. And I hate Khali with a passion, and would say he does not even deserve to be in the WWE, let alone be its champ in any capacity. But I was so sick of seeing Cena win time and time again that I wanted Khali to carry the gold so bad.
Now we actually have enough guys on Raw who could be or contend for the championship, but to put it right back on Cena and have him go on another run will only cause fans to lose interest. Right now Triple H, HBK, Jericho, JBL, Umanga, Orton and even Kennedy could be considered possible champs, or at least contenders. And what about all the push for Jeff Hardy. After all the great matches he has given over the past few weeks, the WWE just is going to kill his momentum and push him aside. I fear he will end up being forgotten in all the Cena hype. At let me say, he deserves to be at Mania in the main event and should be the next champ.
I really feel the WWE is making a big mistake here. Wow us with something fresh and new. Not the same old story again. Trust me Vince, the fans will become bored very soon with this. It's just like a new relationship. At first it all fun and exciting, but once it settles in it becomes old hat an the spark dies. That is what is happening now. Yes Cena at 30 at the rumble was exciting, and even the though of him main eventing at Mania at first seems great. But look at the long haul. Him going back to his dominance of the belt again, especially with all the other possible contenders, will become old and fans may look elsewhere to spend their dollars. As the old saying goes, be careful of what you wish for, for you might get it.
I was flat-out pissed that Cena won the Rumble. But his return is exciting. Having him go up against Orton at No Way Out gives us some hope that he may not win the title again. Cena himself has gotten boring for me... I feel he needs to turn heel again or something.
Hardy shouldn't hold the belt... at least not for long. He does great stuff in the ring but he is completely devoid of personality. The only good thing about him possibly getting the title is that it wouldn't "feel scripted". Over the last year, RAW has become too boring and predictable. Nothing ever happens that isn't "the next logical step in the story". And the guy with the most personality is Santino Marella. This is terrible. I love Santino and all, be he shouldn't be the highlight of the show for me.... there are so many great guys on the show but they're just not "let loose" enough. In a weekly 2-hr program, generally I find 10-20 minutes of it to be actually entertaining.... if I even watch it all anymore.
Posted by
CR |
10:56 AM
I am A WWE Fan.And also to say you got a good blog here. Keep up the good work! Yeah I didnt like that either that Cena is going to be the champion again from the looks of it. That gets old after a while he was champ long enough let someone else have the belt you know that's what i say.They kind of lied because Cena was supposed to be injured for several more months then he all of a sudden came back for the rumble give me a break. That had to be planned!
Posted by
Unknown |
6:02 PM