Order of WrestleMania 26's matches
As of this week, the decision still hadn’t been made whether John Cena vs. Batista, Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels or Edge vs. Chris Jericho would be the last match at WrestleMania. The Unified Tag Team Title match is currently scheduled to open the show with Money in the Bank going on second. Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart would likely go somewhere in the middle of the card. Of course, all of this is subject to change.
Labels: bret hart, undertaker, wrestlemania 26
No disrespect to Jericho or Edge but there is no way their match should be last on the card. Yes they are great workers, but Batista vs. Cena for the title at Wrestle mania has been five years in the making. HBK and Taker is the only other match that could close the show.
Posted by
Mr_Wrestling |
12:27 PM
edge won the rumble so he main events wrestlemania
Posted by
Unknown |
6:12 PM
I don't see this as one of the better matches. I am not sure if this should be the main card. Time will tell.
Posted by
Unknown |
10:55 PM
I have no disrespect for all of the other matches but the only match I would like to see is Undertaker and HBK at the last one OR hitman vs vince
Posted by
A.Y.P |
10:37 AM