Report of What Happened When RAW Went off the Air

by Alfonso Castillo on
Almost immediately after Raw went off the air, the familiar tolling of a bell sounded, the lights went dark, and the wrestlers parted the aisle to let the Undertaker through. He did his full entrance, stepped into the ring, took off his coat and hat, then shook Flair's hand and embraced him, while whispering in his ear. Undertaker then took his signature pose on one knee and saluted the Nature Boy.
The magic didn't end there. Next out was Vince McMahon, who rushed to the ring with a gigantic smile on his face and then absorbed Flair in a big, enthusiastic hug. He held up Flair's hand in victory and posed for the arena.
Flair then brought his family back into the ring, and did his strut, took off his jacket and dropped an elbow and a knee on it, to the crowd's delight. He had the camera zoom in on a gold watch that he said McMahon had just given him.
After taking the microphone and giving the fans one last, emotional, "Thank you," Flair stepped out of the ring, and made his way down the ramp.
Then in absolutely awesome moment, the gathering of wrestlers and WWE officials parted, in unison with 16,000 fans, bowed to the greatest wrestler who ever lived.
Flair shook several hands, and hugged several tearful admirers - including Stephanie McMahon, before blowing a final kiss to the audience, and disappearing behind the curtain.
Incidentally, local ads had promoted a dark match main event of Finlay and John Cena vs. Randy Orton and JBL. The match never took place. I can't remember a time when I was so pleased with a main event not being delivered as promised.