One Half of Cryme Tyme Talks About their Return

Cryme Tyme's Shad recently posted the following bulletin on their MySpace page speaking on his and JTG's WWE return:
As you know yes we are back, but what you don’t know, what know one new except for the hire ups in WWE, is we have been back for awhile.
How we came back is a story that you will probably here in the next few weeks so keep checking out WWE.COM for news. What I would like to do thou is thank all you fans for sending me and J e-mail, writing petitions, and chanting our names at shows. We read every thing and we heard your cheers and it helped motivate the both of us to train harder, get bigger, stronger, and more intelligent about this business. It also showed us that we are the peoples wrestlers, we are here to represent all the people (Black, White, Asian, Latin, & More) in the ring, because we are just like you guy, two kids who were fans with a dream and the determination to see it thru. So ones agene thank you. Thank you to the fans of JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling), OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling), and Booker T’s PWA (Pro Wrestling Alliance) for coming out to watch us at these great promotions. Some of the best talent in the business are in these three promotions developing to become the next big stars.
Thank you to all the boys (You Know Who You Are) that called, sat down & talked, vouched for us, and gave us the confidents that we could come back. Thank you to my family for standing behind me and special thanks to Booker T, Al Snow, And Danny Davis for training me these last few months, helping me step up my game. And finally thank you WWE for believing in two kids from the streets of Brooklyn NY, and giving us a second chance. We will not let our fans, friends, families, and WWE down. We are here to rise to the top and make some NOISE!!! So when you see us coming stand up and shout Money, Money, Yeah, Yeah.
Labels: cryme tyme