10 Interesting Facts About WrestleMania

There is so much history around WrestleMania, it's really hard on knowing where to start. But, since we've already hit some lists, it's time to have some fun and relive some fun facts about the event that sometimes are very much under the radar. So here are 10 Interesting Facts about the Biggest wrestling event of the year.
1. While the Undertaker clearly has all the spotlight about being undefeated at
WrestleMania (15-0), there is another wrestler that appears to have a pretty good streak going - John Cena. Yes, "Thug Life" has had an impressive WM streak of his own, maybe the most impressive in Mania as it stands. He is 4-0, winning the US Belt from the Big Show at Mania XX, beating JBL for the WWE Title at WM 21, retaining the title over Triple H at WM 22, and then keeping the belt by making HBK submit at Maina 23. Will that streak continue this year?
2. This year's event in Florida will be just the second held outdoors. The first was WM IX, which was held at the MGM Grand in Las Veags. That year the company was lucky that while there was rain leading up to the event, there was none while the show was on. Will they be so lucky this year?
3. There has been only one WrestleMania held on a day other than Sunday - and that was WrestleMania II, held on Monday, April 7th. That event was also the latest in the year a Mania was held, as the earliest came at Mania XX, which was held March 14th.
4. Easy to see what arena has held the most Mania's that being the World's Most Famous Arena - Madison Square Garden. MSG held the first Mania, Mania X, and Mania XX. There was talk of Maina 25 being in MSG, but now its basically been announced it will be in Houston.
5. There has only been two Mania's held outside the US, that being Mania 6 and Mania 18, which were both held in the SkyDome in Toronto. While Toronto has been a solid location for the events, hopefully they won't decide to do something crazy like have an event in London or somewhere else overseas.
6. The most matches on a Mania card was WM IV, which was held on March 27th, 1988 in Atlantic City, NJ. The card was the 14-man tourny for the WWF Heavyweight Title, and with a few other matches sprinkled in, you had a total of 17 matches, a show that lasted just about 4 hours. The following year again in Atlantic City, Mania V, had 14 matches. The least amount of matches on a Mania was WM XI in Hartford, with just 7 matches. Last year in Detroit they had just 8 matches. Most Mania's average about 12 matches.
7. For being the companies supposed 2nd most important belt, the Intercontinental belt gets little to no love at WrestleMania. The belt has not been defended at Mania since Rob Van Dam defeated William Regal to win the belt at WM 18 in Toronto. Since then, the US Championship has had three title matches at Mania, WM XX, 22, and 23.
8. There was a strech of seven straight WrestleMania's where the companies biggest belt - the WWF/WWE Title changed hands. Starting at WM IV, when Randy Savage won the 14-man title tourney, and ending with Diesel beatin Shawn Michaels at WM XI, the belt changed hands every year. There was also a five-year stretch where the belt changed hands, starting with Steve Austin beating The Rock in Mania X-Seven in Houston, and ending with John Cena beating JBL for the WWE belt at Mania 21 in Los Angeles.
9. This years version of Mania will be the show with the least amount of title matches on it. As it stands today, there are only three title matches on the card, with no tag title matches, no US title match and no womens title match. The only belts up for grabs this year will be the World Heavyweight Title, ECW Title and the WWE Title.
10. Remember the intro for John Cena at WM 22 in Chicago? He came out as a gangster, with a PT Cruiser coming out first with some jobbers in it holding machine guns. All but one. One of the men that got out of the car was none other than C.M. Punk - former ECW Champion. How far some have come in just a short time.
Labels: c.m. punk, hulk hogan, jbl, john cena, undertaker