If I was Booking WWE.....

The WWE is always in the need of tweaking, and here at Let's Wrestle it's time to offer our services as the new official booker (no not Booker T) of the company. Here are some storylines and ideas that I throw out there for consideration as we get set for tonights 3-hour RAW Draft.
* ASAP replace the Mr.McMahon character with that of Shane McMahon in the role of his father. Shane has proved over the years he can take a bump about as good as anyone, and his on-screen character is as believable as his Dad's as well. This move infuses some youth into the McMahon name, and gets Vince off of TV, which has been needed for sometime.
* I would move/keep the following wrestlers on ECW and restart a combo Lucha Libre/crusierweight division: Rey Mystero, Chavo Guerrero, Super Crazy, Jamie Nolbe, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Little Guido, and Jimmy Yang Wang. The deal would be start to bring in other cruiserweight as well, and have them ONLY fight each other. The crusierweight title has been all but forgotten on SmackDown, and on ECW it would mean something again.
* As stated yesterday, I would TOTALLY forget about this angle they are planning with the crew of Jackass. Leave the in-ring wars to those that do it for a living, and leave the B or even C-list actors to do what they do - act. The HHH return should be the focus of SummerSlam, and not Steve-O and his band of freaks. I realize the last two years they leaned on Hulk Hogan for this event, but despite them not bringing him in for this, let's just stick with the HHH return and try to build better programs.
* Upon his return I would ASAP put a program in place to wrap up the Shawn Michaels vs John Cena feud for the WWE Title. And, not only that, I would actually allow Shawn to win the belt for a month of two, thus making Cena the hunter and not the hunted. They have wasted too much time in what was to be Shawn vs Cena III, and HBK's knee injury really put the company behind the 8-ball. You can still build a PPV or two with this match, and for sure one of them (a title switch would even make it better) should be an Ironman match.
* Hold off Undertaker-Edge until closer to WrestleMania, possibly Royal Rumble. Taker is going to need time to ease back into things when he comes back, and a program with Mark Henry looks more likely provided Henry stays on SmackDown. As for Edge, I like the situation he's in with the belt, keep it on him, and the list of challengers I would program him with would be a returning Booker T (dropping the King Booker character), Jeff Hardy (moving from RAW), C.M. Punk (moving from ECW), then Taker then his WM 24 opponent - Mr.Kennedy.
* Add one, if not two, titles to ECW. You can move the crusierweight, as stated above, and start a tag division built around the Major Brothers that could lead to a tag title. The show is just so bland with just one title, and Bobby Lashley does not need to fight every week, nor should he. The show is going to need a major overhaul and tonights draft could do that, but they need to add titles to make it more interesting.