RAW 10/23

The latest edition of RAW took place Monday night in Chicago, and with another celeb appearance from Kevin Federline and a solid HHH vs Randy Orton main event I thought it was a good show. The show was spent mostly around Federline and John Cena, which makes me scared where they may take that angle, and the setup for Cyber Sunday, which comes up Sunday November 6th in Cincinnati.
The opener was Federline coming out and blasting Cena, which also brought out Federline's new buddy - King Booker. Then Big Show came out to blast Booker and go on about how he will win the "Champions of Champions" match at CS. Then it was Cena's turn, as he came out, blasted both Booker and Show, and then ripped into Federline. This angle is super since everyone hates Federline already, and he is one of the better celeb heels that I have seen in sometime. As for the Cyber Sunday main event, I just can't see how it is going to come across as solid since we all know its going to end with a no-finish.
The first actual match of the night was a womens semi for the title, which is so lame since we all know that they have been setting up Lita vs Mickie James from the get go, with the finals being at the PPV. Of course in this one it was Mickie getting over on Melina, which means next week that Lita will win, and there will be your final.
Next was a setup for an IC match at CS, as Jeff Hardy tagged with Carlito to take on Shelton Benjamin and Chris Masters. This was a pretty much just your normal tag match, all the guys worked hard and it came across okay. The end saw the heels win, and then they all fought as one of the three challengers will take on Hardy at the PPV. The early pick will be Carlito, but I think the best match would be Benjamin.
Cena beat Nitro, with the setup being that K-Fed slapped Cena at ringside. The match was pretty good, with most of the attention being paid to Federline. The end saw Cena chase Federline up the ramp, and as he was about to hit him both Booker and Show came out, and beat on him. The three went back and forth a bit, with Cena being made to look like the weaker of the three, and in this exchange, Booker came out standing. That means tonight it will likely be Cena standing, and then Friday - Show standing. Too obvious of a setup for me.
The Spirit Squad break up continued, as Cryme Tyme beat Mikey and Nicky. Okay match, with Kenny getting mad at the end for the team losing and he gave Mikey the legdrop from the top rope. He said that he would take on Ric Flair alone later on, and then in that match Flair brought out Piper, Slaughter, and Dusty Rhodes as his backup. Kenny won by holidng the tights, and then it was announced that it would be a tag for the belts at CS with Flair and one of his three legends vs SS. The early favorite here has to be Rhodes.
The main was another pretty good match with HHH vs Rhodes. Bishoff and Coachman were at ringside, and after a ref bump and lots of interference from Michaels and Edge, Bishoff gave Orton a chair which he used to help get Orton the win. The setup is supposed to be one of McMahon, Bishoff, or Coachman being a heel ref. They seem to be pushing that Bishoff would be chosen the ref, and then in the end he'll turn on Edge and Orton to screw McMahon. At least that is the early thought on this one.
Again, good show, decent matches, and some good setup for the PPV. Looking forward to the contuning drama with K-Fed, and I think the long run goal is to have him in a match with Cena, with it being either a handicapped match or some sort of tag match. They of course want Brittney to be there as well, and would love the pub from that one. We'll see.