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Triple H Spouts Off In New WWE Magazine

While the recent release of the "McMahon" DVD, a lot of former "taboo" things about the inner workings of the WWE have been made public. First and possibly the biggest is the fact that in the DVD they acknowledge that HHH and Stephanie are married, and go in-depth on the relationship the two have and what lead to them eventually getting hitched. For those that follow the sport even somewhat closely, everyone knows that HHH has a say in the product, and that sometimes there are whispers that he is out for himself and to keep himself in a high position as champion or at least as a top flight contender.

More about how Triple H feels about his position backstage has come to light in the current edition of WWE Magazine, which takes a candid look at his "backstage power." Below is part of the interview in the magazine:

"I haven't read a dirt sheet in 10 years. And that's the damn truth. Yes I'm in a top position. Yes I'm married to the boss's daughter. Yes I sit in production meetings. But, at the end of the day, there is only one person with the stroke in this business. And that's Vince McMahon. If he doesn't like something , whether it's my idea or not, it's not going to happen. I want guys like John Cena around. I want to bring new guys up and help make them. People always accuse me of not wanting to drop the belt to a guy. That's complete crap. I didn't drop the belt to RVD because no one asked me to drop it to RVD. I've yet to see Hulk Hogan lose to anybody. He wrestles once every 6 months, and it doesn't matter if you're the biggest name in active competition today, he's not going to lose to you. There was suppose to be a Hogan/Michaels 2, and Hogan was supposed to lose. All of a sudden his knee starting "bugging" him."

Quite a mouthful for someone who clearly has more power backstage then he claims to have. HHH's influence is felt up and down the RAW and other brands rosters, and while he claims that Vince has the final say (that much is true), certian things that HHH feels are important for sure get put into motion. While he has a valid point about Hogan, his mocking of the Hulkster at the recent Summerslam is for sure a sign that he is still somewhat jealous that the wrestling legend gets a much bigger pop then he does.

How quickly does HHH forget that when Hogan was in his true last WWE run that he lost clean matches to Undertaker, Brock Lesner, and Kurt Angle. Two of those three matches were on PPV, and with Lesner and Angle, he even did something that you never saw him do - tap out to Angle and pass out vs Lesner. While that run was going on, HHH was busy on RAW being given, not fought for, but GIVEN the World Heavyweight title in an angle involving Eric Bishoff. Hmmmm.

As far as him not being asked to lose the title to RVD, that is complete crap. RVD was primed for a title run, and the powers backstage, which includes HHH, basically put a stop to the momentum just like that. Why they held RVD back is anyones guess, and as you can see now, he is on the WWE's third ranked brand, trying to fight his way back to being just the ECW champion.

I think that HHH is still one of the top talents in the sport, and that he for sure does deserve some of the things that he has earned due to hard work and dedication to the sport. But as usual in the politics of pro wrestling, let's be careful not to throw stones at glass houses. While HHH has the freedom to make those statements with little consequences to pay, he might want to be careful on what toes he steps on in the process.

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  • I'm Matt Loede
  • From Cleveland OH
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