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Smackdown 8/4

I actually wasn't sick, like normal, after watching this show. Kennedy vs Batista, Mystero fighting with Guerrero, Booker vs Undertaker...not bad for a show trying to build up its side of a major PPV. As stated before, I could do without the Diva search, but at least it wasn't shoved down our throats all night. As for Batista, the only thing I thought was sad is the fact that now Kennedy's two wins really mean nothing. I hope they don't put him on the back burner, as he still is one of the better heels on the Smackdown side. The Mystero/Guerrero feud is going to be pretty emotional, but as usual, they will use Eddie's name to get heat any way they can, and gee, what was the deal with Vicki being there, and just being able to run to the ring during the whole fight? I am sure she will be there at SummerSlam when those two go at it, which I am sure will be announced next week. The Batista/Booker feud should last awhile, as I expect Booker to actually keep the strap through the summer, just like Edge on the RAW side, and then drop it to the face, in this case Batista, around Survivor Series. Most of the other stuff was simply filler, but man, it never ceses to amaze me the commentary of JBL. Week after week some of the things he comes up with simply makes the show more watchable for me over what Tazz used to say. Monday night is HHH vs Umaga...I like the track they are taking with Umaga.

Till RAW...