The Latest from Jim Ross' Blog

Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, touching on a number of topics. You can read the full blog by clicking here. Some wrestling-related highlights from this entry:
- Bobby Heenan, who has had a helluva tough go of it in recent weeks with two surgeries to rebuild his jaw, is in a rehab facility in Florida and is reportedly getting stronger by the day, but still isn’t able to talk or to eat solid foods. From what I am told "The Brain" is making the nurses laugh with his physical antics and by what he writes on his blackboard with which he uses to communicate. The Hall of Famer is arguably the greatest manager of all time and was much underrated as a wrestler. Back in ‘93 and not long after I had arrived in the WWE, the Brain, the late Lord Alfred Hayes, and yours truly traveled to the UK to do a TV broadcast from Sheffield. The airline upgraded all three of us to first class from business class and we were the only 3 sitting in first, which was staffed with 3 flight attendants. I don’t remember how many liquids we consumed on the long flight, but I do recall that the airline ran out of several "flavors" of spirits. I laughed so hard at Bobby’s stories that I had to move to another seat to distance myself from him just so I could get some sleep. Please keep "The Brain" in your thoughts and prayers as he continues to rehab his way back to better health.
- I can say somewhat conclusively that I have yet to be in an arena where Floyd Mayweather, Jr. hasn’t been booed and for the life of me I don’t see that changing. Nor do I see that as a bad thing. The hotter Floyd gets as an antagonist the more, one would assume, fans will want to pay to see Floyd humbled.
- Ah, the Hogan divorce. That’s not cool and it will be costly because, if nothing else, it will be costly in the respect that monied lawyers will hit the mother load in this one. The mistress, the kids, the cars, the mansion, the MONEY, etc all reads like one helluva reality show to me. Perhaps too real. After being in divorce court myself (no wise ass remarks please) I do sincerely feel for Hulk and his family, if nothing else, because this has gotten so much publicity and the alleged sordid details of this partnership continue to be "leaked." Of course, I was not a main stream celebrity, nor did I have any where near the cash that the Hulkster has earned over the years, when I ventured into divorce court.
- I get to hear a fair amount of feedback during my weekly travels and without question the match at WM24 that wrestling fans are talking about most is the Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels contest. It is hard to disagree, if one is a long time fan of the business.
- Apparently the Money in the Bank Ladder Match will have 8 participants this year, as it did last year, but that is unofficial. Perhaps we can confirm on Raw Monday night.
- I worked several hours Tuesday on future DVD releases on Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. Both these guys are extraordinarily "story worthy." Curt and I did a fair amount of commentary together, which was discussed in the interview. Flair’s career is, well, amazing and the stories I could tell about Ric would make a great book and most likely piss off a bunch of people. Having two grown daughters and two granddaughters, I do not need to re-enforce to them my perceived "outlaw days" in the wrestling territories where I first met "Naitch" as was asked by Cowboy Bill Watts, the Vince McMahon of the territory, to "show Ric a good time". No problem. Did I mention that I had visited divorce court……
Labels: bobby heenan, curt henning, jim ross, ric flair