Saturday Night's Main Event to Air Three Matches

Three matches will highlight tomorrow night's Saturday Night's Main Event, which was taped this past Monday night before RAW in Toronto. The show will air from 11:30pm to 1am on NBC. The three matches are as follows:
John Cena vs The Great Khali
Edge and MVP vs Chris Benoit & Batista
Mr.McMahon vs Bobby Lashley in an arm wrestling contest
The show is the prelude to Sunday night's One Night Stand, which takes place in Jacksonville. Saturday Night's Main Event for a long time was about the only place you would see superstars like Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, King Kong Bundy, Roddy Piper and others wrestle in meaningful matches. Hogan would usually be in a title defense of some sort, and the others mentioned would have matches with other stars, quite a shift from the days of today where week after week stars wrestle each other.
I did not read the spoilers for this show, but truthfully am not expecting much. I can mostly see very short matches, with a lot thrown in between to promote various events, mostly the PPV on Sunday. The company really threw this thing together at the last minute, and you can bet that the fact last year we had two prime-time NBC shows and now are back to the usual time slot of 11:30, the network nor the company are putting much stock into this show.