Benoit Strangled Wife; Son Before Hanging Himself Reports Say
Wrestling site PWTorch is reporting the following about the Chris Benoit double murder-suicide situation:
"New reports suggest that Chris Benoit strangled his wife and son, possibly a day a part. It’s also being reported that he then took his own life after he hanged himself some time Monday.
Officials are expected to release a statement sometime this morning/afternoon to further update us on new information in the case."
Wow i really connot believe this, what could of possibly happened to Benoit (I realise that he didn't get on with his wife at the best of times it has been reported) that has made him not only mentally, but physically, kill his wife and his own creation?
They say if you sniff pure Zinc it sends you insane, i think it must of been a lot stronger whatever Benoit was on.
The story shall unfold .......
Posted by Hux | 10:11 AM
Just don't accept first police pass that it was double-murder-suicide. Ben-Wah told JR "have to go home on family emergency..."
Another report says he talked about wife, son "coughing up blood."
Does that sound pre-planned? What drove him to come home, a phone call? What was the "emergency." A plot to get him home?
The text messaging bit to friends and to WWE HQ - could it be that another using his phone sent the msg?
Could it be ben-wah was rendered helpless (in some form) that resulted in the appearance of a hanging?
If so, had to be more than one person, as ben-wah very capable of dismantling/disarming a single intruder.
How does this tie into the Eddy death 2 years ago?
How does this play into a "love triangle" of sorts?
To kill wife on Sat, then son on Sunday, then sit around till Monday pondering all of it only to commit suicide, just doesn't add up. Cops need to dig deeper.
Posted by debunker | 12:26 PM